Networking Through A Pandemic
Looking back at my blog on networking in 2017, I think it’s time and timely to update. In light of...
Will the Real Helen Please Stand Up?
If you read Debra’s article about branding after the age of 50, you will have some insight into...
Spot the Bias
There is considerable irony in job ads that proudly pronounce the employer is an Equal Opportunity...
How Old Do You Feel?
Do you know the distinctions among “chronological age”, “biological age”, and “subjective age”?...
Reflections on the Old Elephant in the Room
Not long ago the Toronto Star published my article entitled “The (Old) Elephant in the Room”. For...
How to Stay Competitive After 50
All signs point to a future workforce that will span as many as four generations, but what can you...
The Good Old Days
The “Knowledge Doubling Curve” is a term that refers to the length of time it takes for...
Banning Office Bullies
Organizational culture plays a critical role in determining productivity, creativity, engagement...
Unrecognized Potential
Increasingly, I am reading articles about our extended lifespans and how these will impact...
Back to School – 4 Ways to Access Affordable Professional Development
For North Americans, September is back to school season. Ads for school supplies dominate...
Still Paddling
Every summer for the past 21 years the same group of “wild” women has gotten together for an...
Three Ways Summer Can Be Good For Business
In the bustle of the regular business year it’s easy to lose sight of the importance of building...