Boomers are a new breed of older adults. They don’t conform to old stereotypes. For many, the word “retirement” is not in their vocabulary. They are living longer, healthier lives and their interests are as expansive as ever. They are learning new skills, going back to school, becoming entrepreneurs, re-entering the workforce and exploring new hobbies and volunteer opportunities.
When Boomers disappear, they will be replaced by the next wave of older adults who will live even longer. Life in the older lane is accelerating with the older Canadian population increasing annually for decades to come. This opens up opportunity on many fronts.
A whole new economy, the longevity economy, is out there. It views ageing and older adults as a growth area for future business.
When you think about it, it’s obvious that a world that is ageing requires a host of different options than the world that we’ve known to date. Youth has been the driver for generations and it is gradually shifting. Hallelujah! The world is catching up. The premise of the Top Sixty Over Sixty–bringing attention to the potential and capacity of older adults to add meaningfully to the economy and society–is catching on.
In April I will be attending the “What’s Next Boomer Business Summit”. It is the 16th annual summit but until recently I was unaware of its existence. It is where industry and Boomer marketing experts converge— and I will be attending, gathering ideas, networking, bringing back ideas to share with you.
I mention it here for those of you who are considering your next venture and are looking for ideas and inspiration. There will be hundreds attending and over 45 speakers. The conference is dedicated to a better understanding of the Boomer marketplace which certainly works well for me and the Top Sixty Over Sixty.
Now that I’ve whet your appetite, might you consider attending? Please let me know.
Photo by Richard Balog on Unsplash