Learn and Lead with Longevity Literacy


Helen Hirsh Spence, speaker, writer, and age provocateur explains why we must confront Helen Hirsh Spence on stage at TEDx event
ageism and reframe the aging narrative to live longer, healthier, and more purposeful lives.
Her mindset is longevity-focused!

A well-respected and sought-after thought leader, Helen has appeared on a TEDx stage*,
in major national media outlets, on television, radio, and podcasts. She believes intergenerational collaboration and age equity are essential to thriving personally, professionally and economically in the 21st century.

*Helen’s TEDx talk had over 100k views in the first month (July 2024) and
was the fourth most-viewed TEDx talk worldwide in that same month.

LISTEN TO HELEN (2:42min).
Learn more about Helen by visiting Top Sixty’s OUR PEOPLE page.

DOWNLOAD Helen’s speaker sheets:
Keynotes-and-Popular Topics



  • Helen tells the REAL story about the shift to an older demographic.
  • She dispels age myths and tells the evidence-based story about longevity and its impact on individuals, businesses, organizations, and corporations.
  • Helen’s messages are uplifting and provide hope, optimism, and a reality check about what it means to grow older this century.



  • Helen’s subject matter, messaging, enthusiasm, and energy are a testament to her ability
    to engage audiences of all types.
  • Having been an educator, Helen is well aware of learning styles and preferences and uses a variety of strategies to engage with audiences and participants, whether in person or online.
  • Her workshops and presentations are highly interactive.


Participants will:

  • Welcome their additional longevity and corresponding opportunities.
  • Recognize age bias in themselves and others.
  • Appreciate the benefits of age-diverse personal and professional networks and multigenerational workplaces.


Audiences and industries from various sectors will benefit from talks or workshops on relevant issues such as those noted below.
Helen is always happy to customize content to suit your needs and interests.Image of Helen Hirsh Spence smiling


  • Longevity literacy in the 21st century (the longevity dividend and mindset).
  • Age as a strategic advantage and the benefits of age.
  • Ageism; recognizing age bias, whether internalized, gendered, institutional, or elderspeak.


  • Multigenerational workforces are the new norm.
  • Breaking down workplace age silos to build better organizational culture.
  • The entrepreneurial mindset for older adults.

to discuss your event and topic and to book Helen.
• Keynote speaker •  Panelist •  Virtual presentations
•  Seminars •  Workshops •  Breakout Sessions


…include but are not limited to:

Bank of Montreal, U.S  •  Human Resource Council, Government of Canada •  Conference Board of Canada •  United Nations
•  International Women’s Forum •  Institute of Advanced Financial Planners •  ADVOCIS (Financial Advisors Association of Canada)
•  Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse •  CanAge (National Seniors Advocacy Organization)
• Cannexus (Canada’s Career Development Conference) •  Women’s Abuse Center of Toronto •  Dove
•  CABHI (Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation)


“In a world where the definition of ‘old’ is constantly evolving, Helen and her 2024 TEDxKanata talk, ‘Embrace Age with a Longevity Mindset,’
is a beacon of inspiration and wisdom Helen passionately urges us to reject the outdated negative views on aging and, instead,
celebrate it as the ultimate triumph of living.”

Veronica F., VP, Marketing, Wesley Clover International & TEDxKanata Curator


“Attending the plenary session on ‘Shifting Our Mindset on Aging’ with Helen Hirsh Spence was a transformative experience.
Helen masterfully navigated the complexities of shifting demographics and deconstructing ageism with a depth of knowledge that was
both refreshing and eye-opening. Her thought-provoking insights left a lasting impact on the audience, challenging us to
rethink our perceptions and approach to aging.”

Voula P., Board of Directors, SPEAQ, Montreal


“Helen spoke at KPMG’s International Women’s Day event on the fascinating topic of ageism/ age diversity and in particular its impact on women. Her insights were eye-opening for many in our audience, and all evaluations reflected Helen’s unique ability to engage her audience and how relevant and important the subject matter was. It has since become a topic of conversation among employees. Helen is an amazing advocate/speaker who can benefit any organization that wants to consider how to better attract, hire and retain an older workforce.”
Laura T., KPMG Partner, ID&E council member, and women’s network leader