
Elevate Ageing Through Language: A Usage and Style Guide
When writing about older adults, whether an individual or a group, it can be helpful to keep in mind three guiding concepts: person-centred, positive, and precise.

The Business Plan Kit
The Top Sixty Over Sixty Business Plan Kit Helps you to develop your plan in a step by step process with space for notes and the ability to respond to critical questions. The kit takes you from your purpose to your exit strategy.

Entrepreneur Interviews
Although your job search may be at an end, the interview process is far from over. Whether you are applying for financing from a bank, venture capitalist or asking family for a loan it’s important to understand how

From Financial Statements To Financing
Whether starting off flush or with next to nothing, close attention to finances will provide your business with more stability and longevity. This guide provides an overview of the challenges and some tips to overcome them.