Personal & Professional Development

Three behaviours we need to practice right now
Patience, Perseverance, and Acceptance are not simply bestowed upon us from above… All three must be learned, practiced, fine-tuned, nurtured, and gently housed within us; inner resources to be drawn upon and to guide us when needed.

Eight Criteria to Look for in an Online Community
The meaning of a “sense of community” has under-gone a dramatic shift since March of 2020. Being a member of a community is as important, or more important, than ever before.

Embark on Your Journey Through 2021, Armed With a Practice That Can Guide You
Writing in a journal, notebook, diary, logbook, commonplace book, or whatever you choose to call it, can be transformative.

To Touch and Be Touched
Essential for our physical and emotional health, there has been a lot written about touch deprivation, or skin hunger, during this time of COVID.

Nine Solutions to Deal with Eight Older Worker Stereotypes
Rosemary Bointon takes a look at some typical stereotypes that older workers encounter and offers some simple solutions to fight the good fight against ageism.

Memory As We Age
According to the American Psychological Association, there is good news when it comes to memory changes in older adults. Research affirms that there is no such thing as ‘over the hill’.


Getting the Most From Online Learning

Personal Branding After 50
Showing your best and letting experience shine.

Interpersonal Communications
Having better conversations is easy. These quick tips will help open the lines of communication.

Value Your Values
When you live in alignment with your values, the quality of your life improves. Your values are a reflection of what makes you, you.

Public Speaking
Public speaking is scary. 75% of the population is thought to have this fear making it one of the most common. These tips are intended help you manage the challenge of public speaking.

Tough Talks
Nine tips that provide helpful hints for handling challenging conversations.

Managing Stress
With all of the challenges, obstacles and even the opportunities that come with running a business, stress can grow until it becomes one more hurdle to overcome. Don’t ignore it. By managing stress, you keep yourself thoughtful and healthy and that’s good for business.

Do You Have The Right Mindset?
Self-awareness is critical to entrepreneurial success. Understanding your strengths, weaknesses and capacity to improve can often make the difference between getting past difficult times and feeling overwhelmed by the pressure. More importantly, skills and attributes can be learned.