Intergenerational Shift
I am, and always have been, positive about intergenerational connections, collaboration, living,...
Boomer Business is Booming
If there is one thing I took away from the Aging in America conference and the Boomer Business...
The Boom in Boomer Business
Boomers are a new breed of older adults. They don’t conform to old stereotypes. For many, the word...
Who Me, Biased?
I wonder if any of you caught David Wimsett’s powerful essay on CBC Radio’s Sunday Edition with...
Older women are coming into their own
Not unlike a good wine, many of us over 60 improve as we age. We mellow out, become more...
Gifts of Knowledge
Happy holidays! In keeping with the season we’ve got some great resources for you, but first a bit...
The Power of Gratitude
If “gratitude” is one of those words you regard as too spiritual or “new age-ish”, it’s time for a...
Spotting Opportunity
Opportunity surrounds you everywhere as long as you can spot it! If you subscribe to “out of the...
The Power of Perseverance and Patience
Power of Perseverance and Patience Following a recent TV interview I found myself reflecting on...
The Importance of Community as we Age
Why is Community so important? While living in a world that tends toward individualism, it is...
How To Get Lucky In Business
As St. Patrick’s day approaches, I look forward to all the fun that follows. Green beer, green...
Loving Yourself Is Loving Your Business
The excitement of starting a business coupled with the demands of being an entrepreneur, family...