The power of words and images
What is the first image that you conjure up when you think of someone who is elderly?
From One Global Movement to Another
I began to ponder the similarities between the Feminist and Women’s Liberation movement of the 1960s and the increasing spread of today’s anti-ageism movement across the globe.
Never Too Late to be What You Might Have Been
We don’t all need to be heroes. But as human beings on this planet, we all need purpose. And, increasingly, older people are choosing a different kind of retirement, one that focuses on fulfilling some purpose.
“WE NEED TO TALK” is off to a good start
By Helen Hirsh Spence. We weren’t sure what to expect when Top Sixty decided to launch, “We Need...
What’s in a name?
In almost every interview since founding Top Sixty Over Sixty, I am asked about its name and its intention. Moreover, I am asked about the personal reasons for creating it.
Bittersweet Holiday Reflections
As I was walking with a friend through the forest near home, I couldn’t help but think of all the families who…were having their traditional holiday disrupted in a way that no one could have foreseen.
The ROI of Kindness
Kindness is a wonderful activity that gives as it restores. This November give yourself and others a little kindness.
Words make a difference…
When describing age words matter. With a word, you can transform from fragile to powerful. Choose your words wisely.
Living with Ambiguity and Uncertainty
The summer is almost over. School is expected to start up again in a few weeks. Our Chief medical...
Life-long Learning and Long-life Learning
Thanks to medical, technological, and health advances in the late 1900s, our lifespans have been...
Every Age Counts
One of the persistent themes throughout this pandemic has been how ageism has been re-ignited and brought out into the open. Its time however to do more than acknowledge ageism.
Insights and Impacts During the Pandemic
Having listened to COVID 19 news non-stop for the past six weeks, I have found myself drifting...