
What are your plans for the rest of your life?

What are your plans for the rest of your life?

No matter our current ages, all of us would be wise to get a head start on imagining the next stage (or stages) of our lives. With longer lifespans and health spans, that could mean another thirty years or so following your anticipated “retirement”.

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What do you immediately think of when you hear or see the words ‘emerging market(s)’? There is a good chance you may think of developing countries or developing economies. There is another way to look at emerging markets. How about the growing global cohort of older adults and the benefits of marketing to that group?

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The Longevity Dividend: Embracing 100 Years Of Life

The Longevity Dividend: Embracing 100 Years Of Life

Digital Accessibility Expert, Flora Bazie, chats with Helen Hirsh Spence about the Longevity Dividend and Embracing 100 Years of Life. Says Helen, “We [now] have a longevity dividend of about 30 years. Our grandchildren, because of medical and technological advances, and a much better understanding of nutrition and lifestyle, have an expected average lifespan of 100. What are we going to do with those years?”

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Let’s rebrand what it means to age, Canada

Let’s rebrand what it means to age, Canada

Canada’s population of adults over 65 already exceeds seven million. These are the eople who unselfishly volunteer to do work that otherwise would require payment, who mentor and coach, and who make significant philanthropic contributions of skills and money.

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The All-important factor: Personal Connection

The All-important factor: Personal Connection

As we age, we need to create new traditions and new meanings for our changing lives in order to feel fulfilled and relevant. The get-togethers of friends can be as simple as meeting to play cards, or discussing books or politics, but such gatherings are essential to us, especially in later life.

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Careers That Matter

Careers That Matter

Stu McNish chats with Helen Hirsh Spence about her ‘job’ at Top Sixty Over Sixty. Learn more about Helen and her “Third Act“ journey as an entrepreneur and how Top Sixty Over Sixty came to be.

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Co-Generate (Generate Together) for a Better Future

Co-Generate (Generate Together) for a Better Future

Today’s workforce comprises up to five generations. In the 1950s no more than three generations worked together. The current reality presents untold opportunities to combine the thinking, resources, expertise, and experience of people from ages 15 to 100.

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The 100-year life is here

The 100-year life is here

The 100-year life isn’t a vision of the future. It is already here. There are almost 10,000 Canadian centenarians according to the last census. Eighty-five-year-olds are the fastest-growing age group and there are now more people aged 65 or older than there are children.

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